
Being a man isn’t simply about living in the gym and wearing the freshest of gear. At the end of the day, none of that will matter if you’re living a basic life with no morals, ambitions, and goals. A guy with no morals, low standards, and a lack of ambition will never progress or grow. Here’s what I follow to be a man worth admiring, with confidence and presence.

Be Ambitious!

Ambition is what drives us to be both successful and happy. Without it, we’d just sit around in our mother’s basement without a care in the world. Which, if it wasn’t obvious enough, isn’t manly. In other-words, get up and get out. Get a career going, start a business, hit the gym and move forward. If you don’t know where to start than check out my list for Top Ten careers without a degree. If you want to start your own business or have one but need a few extra tips, here is a FREE Expert Guide Book to help you grow your business that’ll be shipped to you. It covers a wide array of successful business techniques while being a highly comprehensive how-to on business growth.

Be Resilient!

Having high ambitions can only go so far if you can’t get up after being pushed down. The difference between most guys and a real MAN is that us men use our failures as stepping stones instead of excuses.

Be firm yet accepting!

A man knows when to stand strong and when to go with the flow. So if there is something you know to be just and you wish to stand by it than stand strongly. At the same time, a great trait real MEN carry is the ability to be understanding and accepting of other ideals as well.

Dress for success!

How many successful men do you know dress sloppy? Personally, I know none. That’s why you want to be sure that your style shows off your manliness. Need some tips on how to dress like a man? Check out the fashion section of my site.

Be Decisive!

A real man knows what he wants and strives towards it. Whether it is about his career goals or what he wants to eat that night. Make a decision and go get it!

Be Compassionate!

Nothing is less manly than putting others down to build up your own self-esteem. A big part of being a MAN is being compassionate. Building up those around you and never adding insult to injury. Even if you believe someone deserves it, walk away because at the end of it all, you’ll still be a top-tier man.

Be Discerning!

Something I see a lot are good men that could be great if they only knew when to stop, say no, or walk away. There is a difference between investing time and effort in something or someone with great potential and wasting it on those undeserving of your manliness. It’s a fine line but mastering this skill will most definitely help you become a great man.

Be Confident!

Last, but surely not least, regardless of what you’re doing or how you decide to do it, always do it with confidence. Confidence is key to being a MAN and without it a lot of aspects of our lives will lose its value.

There are many more facets to being a man. These are just a few of my own guidelines in being as manly as possible. Be sure to check out my blog for more in-depth guides, tools, and tips on living as a MAN.