
Fitness is an important aspect of being as manly as possible but becoming fit and maintaining it could be difficult if you don’t follow the proper workouts regimes for your individual body types and pair those workouts with adequate supplements and dieting. Luckily for you, I’ve done the research on our behalf and we’ll be keeping them up to date in this section. Sure you could go online a find a program that gives you a step by step regime to stick by but i know that not everyone can spend or even stick to one. Regardless of whether you can or not, here are my “Must Follow”s when trying to become fit and maintaining it.

Eat Healthy

When you hear “eat healthy”, a lot of people think salads twice a day and maybe some fruit. I think that’s just starvation but eating fast food constantly throughout the week isn’t going to get you the MANLY body that looks as if carved by Odin himself either. Eating healthy is about getting your daily dose of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Which means your vegetables, nuts, fruits, and meats. Plus, home cook meals will almost always be a healthier choice than any fast food meal.

Prepare ahead of time

It’s easy to lose motivation to cook after a long day at work thus making it easier to fall into the temptation of ordering out so try to set up a day in the week to prepare your meals ahead of time. It’ll be a lot easier when all you have to do is heat it up on the stove or in the oven and you’re done.

Don’t eat more than you need

Eating healthy typically leads to eating a few more times a day because your meals won’t be made of heavy fats so knowing how to portion and sticking to it is a must. Like meats, for example, shouldn’t be any larger than the palm of your hand. You should also invest any smaller bowls and plates ti fill versus leaving bigger plates and bowls half empty. That will help prevent the feeling of unsatisfactory based off the empty spaces on your plate.

Know how to build muscle

A lot of guys think you just enter the gym, bench the heaviest weights three times and leave. Not at all. Building muscles relies heavily on your form. Lifting weights 3-4 times a week then active resting the other days doing things like jump rope or jogging. Personally, i work out on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The rest of the days I go for a short jog. Just remember that muscle doesn’t build in the gym, it builds on the days you rest. Don’t forget your protein and caloric intake. I don’t count calories before i go to the gym. I just drink a proper protein concoction and a bar.

Don’t lift too heavy

I see this all the time. Guys that come to the gym and try to press 60 pounds over what they can safely lift. Don’t be that guy. At that point you’re not building muscle. You’re just risking injuries.

Don’t over cardio

Cardio is good, we all know this but because you’re burning so much being a man in the gym you don’t want to over exert yourself by doing a bunch of cardio as well. Like i said earlier, a light jog or some jump rope on your active rest days will give you good results.

Take your vitamins

Supplements can greatly increase your weight gain helping you reach your manly goal in no time but not all supplements are reliable. So what are some good supplements? Peppermint and Creatine are some of the most commonly used muscle boosters. If you want something a bit more potent, you can look into those online supplements. I have yet to try any but if or when i do, you lot will be the first to know.

Join a good gym

Trust me, it’s worth it. Not only do they have equipment but the best gyms have people who can give you hands-on training and help you create specific plans to your individual needs and body.