
How To Build Confidence

I can not emphasize enough the importance and impact of having confidence has on our lives. Confidence is the flame that keeps us warm during the coldest of nights. It is the beacon of light that brings forth aspiration and admiration from those that surround you. It is the pith of our manliness. Therefore, lacking confidence has an incredibly pernicious effect on our lives as well. That is why it is dire that I deliver to you these tips on How To Develop Confidence.

Be Well Groomed

Keeping up with your appearance can immediately affect your self-esteem and confidence. So making sure your beard is well trimmed, teeth are brushed, and your clothes are properly fitted can be the match needed to start your fire.

Be Active

Exercising releases endorphins that put your mind in a happier state while also, reducing stress and anxiety. Not only does exercising help the mind but of course, it keeps your body toned, increases posture, vitality, and strength. It also improves many other facets of your day-to-day living.

Do More of What You Enjoy

Nothing is more dreadful than spending your day doing things you despise merely because it’s familiar. Make it a point to do AT LEAST one thing a day that you truly enjoy.

Recognize Your Achievements then Achieve More

Firstly, don’t undermine what you have achieved thus far. Take some time to sit back and reflect on all that you’ve conquered. Afterwards, set new short term goals and follow through with them fully.

Don’t be Dumb

Being dumb is obviously going to kill your confidence. Especially, when those around you are quick to mock or laugh at you for it.

“Sinclair, how can I not be dumb?”

Simple, figure out what actually know and recognize that you have some sort of intellect ( the niche you gravitate toward). After that, every time you hear or see something that keeps your interest 5 minutes after it has left your sight or ear, start researching and learning about it.

There are many other ways to develop your confidence and build your self-esteem so take time out to figure out which area you lack and start progressing.

How To Shave

For those of us that don’t like the hassle of keeping up with four inches worth of tangles on our face, shaving is an important part of our grooming, so knowing how to do it properly is crucial. If done correctly, you can decrease skin irritation, prevent ingrown hairs, and of course, have the perfect gentleman’s face. If you’ve subscribed to The Dollar Shave Club than you should have the best of everything you need to follow these steps. Now, let’s get started:

Start Soft

I know you’re eager to get started but before you can put that razor to your face, you need to soften your hair and clean the dead skin cells off of your face. The best time to shave will be right after a warm shower.

Cream or Gel?

After your hairs are soft and your skin is nice and warm, apply your shaving cream or gel. The reason you want to use shaving cream or gel is to keep your hairs soft during the entire shaving process, making it a lot easier to cut. The less amount of friction you have while shaving, the lower your chances are of redness and skin irritation.

Go WITH the Grain

There are some people that enjoy going against the grain because it shaves closer to the skin. Unfortunately, that is also one of the biggest reasons to why they get razor bumps. ingrown hairs, and burns. You want to shave in the direction your hair grows (with the grain) to help minimize the risk of developing those issues.

Rinse and Repeat

While you’re shaving your face, you want to remember to rinse the blade after each stroke. Doing so, again, helps prevent irritation. Pro Tip: Don’t continuously go over the same spot and use gentle strokes while shaving.

The Finishing Touch

Congratulations, your face looks amazing. We’re not done yet though. Now to add the finishing touch to your clean, manly shave. That is to apply Moisturizer or Aftershave. Once you’ve finished shaving. Rinse off the left over shaving cream or gel with COOL WATER and pat it dry with a clean towel. You want to use cool water to close your pores so they don’t get infected. After that, apply Moisturizer or Aftershave to sooth your skin and Voila! You’ve just learned how to shave your face like a well groomed man.

Gratitude and Due Credit to the Artist and/or photographer of the images above.

Tops Every Man Needs In His Wardrobe

Style is about self- expression. Not to mention, when you’re walking around knowing you look good, you almost can’t help but feel good and we all know that confidence looks better than any fitted gear. On the contrary, there are some shirts that look good on practically EVERY man so here is my list of Tops Every Man Need In His Wardrobe.

Fitted Casual Button-Down Shirts

Being one the most versatile pieces you’ll own, a Fitted Button-Down Shirt will almost always add points toward your attraction meter. A good fitted button-down shirt can be worn with jeans for a more casual appeal.

A Tailored Dress Shirt

A Tailored Dress Shirt, the formal counterpart of a fitted button down, is typically made out of different, slicker material like pique. Dress Shirts are normally worn with something over it like a suit or blazer. Because of that, the emphasis is on the collar and cuffs.

A Black T-Shirt

Another versatile addition to your wardrobe is the classic black T-shirt. Typically worn with jeans, you could spice it up with a formal jacket and slacks.

A Solid Coloured Henley

These sexy beast are similar to a polo but have no collar and , if fitted properly, shows off those nice pecs and arms you’ve been working so hard to buff up.


Undershirts are meant to be worn UNDER your shirt (yes, really). They are made of a thinner, lighter material to grasp the body. Undershirts are used for various reasons such as preventing sweat from bleeding through your top layer shirt or hiding erect nipples. Undershirts come in two main styles which are the Crew Neck and the V-Neck. Of course, they also come in short and long sleeve to fit the temperature and outfit. If you don’t have any good Undershirts than i recommend the Gildan’s Crew Neck Pack.

Don’t forget to subscribe to receive deals on amazing styles so you’re always feeling good in your new, affordable wardrobe.

Gratitude and due credit to the respected photographers and artists that created the images above.

My Top 5 Workouts For Strong Legs

Whatever path you take in life will be long and have its obstacles. To combat that, you’ll need to have powerful legs to overcome the terrain. Plus, summer is here so you need to have some skin below the belt that won’t cause a commotion if flaunted out in public. Here’s some of my favorite workouts to build strong manly legs!

The Barbell Squat

The Barbell Squat is probably one of the most used workouts when it comes to increasing the muscle mass of your legs. It works out your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and of course, your calves. It also increases your jump height and works your core.

Dumbbell Walking Lunge

When it comes to developing functional strength in your lower body, the Dumbbell Walking lunge not only helps you grow nice man legs but also provide the strength for day-to-day manliness. This workout will also test your core stability and balance, improving them both over time.

Standing Calf Raises

Don’t let the simplicity of this workout fool you. The isolated technique in Calf Raises will increase definition in your calf muscle (who would’ve thought). Not only your calf muscle but your entire lower leg, including your Achilles heel. Holding weights allows continuous progression so you can properly get your burn.

The Leg Press

Like the Barbell Squat, the Leg Press is extremely efficient when it comes to building leg strength and developing leg muscles the size of a melon. Pro Tips: Move slow and don’t slam your knees into your chest.

The Romanian Deadlift

This workout is all about isolating your hamstrings and glute muscles. It’s a relatively simple workout but can lead to serious back and leg injuries if you aren’t using the proper weight, so always follow necessary precautions.

 Remember to perform all workouts with acceptable safety precautions and NEVER add more than you can bare. Leave a comment stating a list you would like to see added. 

Gratitude and Due Credit to the respected photographers and artists that created the images above.

Big Arms, Big Dreams

I am all about helping guys who want more out of themselves. To feel more confident in themselves and more driven to get where they want to be. Since being fit is one of my big rules I thought I would share with you My Top Exercises for Building Strong Arms so you could rock your summer gear with confidence!

Don’t have summer gear yet? Don’t worry

40% off Qazel Vorrlon Jeans: Ends May 23rd, 2019. Yes, today

Up to 80% off COOFANDY Long Sleeves and Casual Button Downs! Ending May 29th, 2019.

Running an Online Business?

I remember how tough it was for me to start my Affiliate Marketing career. I watched hours upon hours of videos on youtube trying to make sense of it all. It wasn’t until I joined an actual program where they showed me step-by-step on how to Affiliate Market effectively. This morning I figured there would be no harm in giving my audience some tips so here’s 5 Tools you could use to start and maintain your online business.

Image by Matt Breed

A man with a plan

One of the MOST common denominators with great men is that they have a career growing with them. Now, in 2019, it is so much easier to start your own business. For some people, working a 9-5 is ideal. That’s not me though and if it isn’t you than check out my “Top Ten Career ideas for 2019 (without a degree)“.

The Journey Begins

Let’s be honest here, there aren’t many guys who don’t look for ways to become a better man. Unfortunately, when we go searching we tend to find successful “men” who show us these amazing results without actually seeing any of the grind it took to get there. They all tend to have the same “I was shy and lost my job, then my girlfriend left me for her confident trainer so i did these ten things and now I am youtube famous and super rich. Here’s a picture of my check stubs, lambo, and fit physique”. That’s cool and all but there aren’t many who recorded their start up. That’s where i come in. With extensive research, trial and errors, and of course, personal experience, I have created this site for two primary reasons. Firstly, to give you guys a comprehensive, all around guide in fitness, fashion, grooming, and lifestyle choices that I, personally, believe are essential to being a MAN. Secondly, to keep an updated blog on how I continue to progress and grow using the same tip and tricks that I’ll be sharing with you on my site so you all could see, in relatively real time, how they work and their efficiencies. Even though i am not starting from the bottom of the barrel alone and in debt, I am still progressing toward the future I want. So join me and let the journey to manhood begin.