How To Shave

For those of us that don’t like the hassle of keeping up with four inches worth of tangles on our face, shaving is an important part of our grooming, so knowing how to do it properly is crucial. If done correctly, you can decrease skin irritation, prevent ingrown hairs, and of course, have the perfect gentleman’s face. If you’ve subscribed to The Dollar Shave Club than you should have the best of everything you need to follow these steps. Now, let’s get started:

Start Soft

I know you’re eager to get started but before you can put that razor to your face, you need to soften your hair and clean the dead skin cells off of your face. The best time to shave will be right after a warm shower.

Cream or Gel?

After your hairs are soft and your skin is nice and warm, apply your shaving cream or gel. The reason you want to use shaving cream or gel is to keep your hairs soft during the entire shaving process, making it a lot easier to cut. The less amount of friction you have while shaving, the lower your chances are of redness and skin irritation.

Go WITH the Grain

There are some people that enjoy going against the grain because it shaves closer to the skin. Unfortunately, that is also one of the biggest reasons to why they get razor bumps. ingrown hairs, and burns. You want to shave in the direction your hair grows (with the grain) to help minimize the risk of developing those issues.

Rinse and Repeat

While you’re shaving your face, you want to remember to rinse the blade after each stroke. Doing so, again, helps prevent irritation. Pro Tip: Don’t continuously go over the same spot and use gentle strokes while shaving.

The Finishing Touch

Congratulations, your face looks amazing. We’re not done yet though. Now to add the finishing touch to your clean, manly shave. That is to apply Moisturizer or Aftershave. Once you’ve finished shaving. Rinse off the left over shaving cream or gel with COOL WATER and pat it dry with a clean towel. You want to use cool water to close your pores so they don’t get infected. After that, apply Moisturizer or Aftershave to sooth your skin and Voila! You’ve just learned how to shave your face like a well groomed man.

Gratitude and Due Credit to the Artist and/or photographer of the images above.

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